Greetings again Friends! We saw in Part 1 on this subject on how Adam was led by his wife to eat the forbidden fruit of “The Tree of Good and Evil” (Gen.3:1-6). We know that Eve was deceived by Satan into partaking the forbidden fruit which Satan also tempted Adam to eat. (Gen.3:13) We saw the two trees pictured the two ways of life God presented to the first man and woman. There was the way of freedom and the way of sin and death.
However, the next question we must ask and answer is what was the deception Satan placed upon Eve which made her eat the forbidden fruit? Before all this situation came to the fore, God said (including Lucifer, prior to becoming Satan) that God had planned to create another lifeform, humanity!
God said humans were to become the highest order of God’s creation. The reason humanity was the highest order of creation was because God created humans in God’s very image. Scriptures affirms this, “Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. So, God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female He created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground” (Gen.1:26-28). In other words, the destiny of the new lifeform of mankind, would be to inherit God’s likeness and become God’s eternal children as inheritors of the new earth under Christ. (Rev.21:1-5).
Now, with that background, Lucifer was commanded by God to bow down to Adam. Lucifer would rebel against God and would not bow before Adam. One of the first things we must understand about ourselves is the seed of our conception, for that determines our eternal destinies. Paul says, “People have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another and fish another. There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another. The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor” (1 Cor.15:39-44).
Concerning the world to come in which humanity will reign supreme, the Book of Hebrews tells us, “It is not to angels that He (God) has subjected the world to come, about which we are speaking” (Heb.2:5). Angels were created free moral agents like humans, who was given the task to teach humans all kinds of knowledge and understanding. That is the basic responsibility given to angels and the purpose for their creation by Almighty God.
Therefore, Hebrews continues to say, “But there is a place where someone has testified: “What is mankind that you are mindful of them, a son of man that you care for him? You made them a little lower than the angels; you crowned them with glory and honor, and put everything under their feet.” In putting everything under them, God left nothing that is not subject to them” (Heb.2:6-8).
Angels were created for a specific purpose – to serve humanity. So, we read, “Are not the angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” (Heb.1:14). Who are those who will inherit salvation? The answer is clearly humanity, who were created in God’s image and likeness. (Rom.6:23; John 5:24; John 3:16-17; 1 John 5:11-12; Tit.3:5-7; Gal.6:8; 1 Cor.15:21-22; Rev.21:6-8)
Hebrews continues to say what humanity is experiencing now, “Yet at present we do not see everything subject to them (humanity yet). But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because He suffered death, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone” (Heb.2:8-9). The world to come is where Jesus is King and Lord, and humanity follows Him into the salvation He brings for humans. It is the world where humanity reigns supreme under Christ in Love (Rev.21:1-5). The angels existed in a different eon or time in history for a different purpose altogether given them by Almighty God.

Lucifer, in spite of all the many talents and wonderful gifts God had placed in him, was created an angel and thereby serves as God’s servants to minister to those who would claim salvation as humanity in accordance with their promised destiny and pedigree as determined in their seed as God’s children. (Heb.1:14).
Jesus said this about humanity’s posterity and destiny, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”’? If He called them ‘gods,’ to whom the Word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside (cannot be broken)” (John 10:34-35; Psa.82:6). The Psalms speak of Jesus prophetically as follows, “For thou hast made Him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned Him with glory and honor” (Psa.8:5).
Perhaps, Lucifer (Satan) could not fathom the thought of bowing to Adam who would be weaker today by comparison, having emerged from two different eons and worlds. So he lead a rebellion which instigated the great flood of Noah’s time. In Jewish belief, Lucifer’s name is also known as Sammael or Angel of Death in the fifth heaven, where seven regents comprising two million angels are stationed. Be that as it may, all of creation be it moral, religious, and philosophical inclinations, are ethically obliged by the gift of freedom make choices one way or another through the common pillar of free moral agencies, despite being eons apart. As humans and angelic beings, we are bound by the pillar of Love and Freedom to choose.
Unlike animals that are given inbuilt instincts to act in one way or another, cows graze upon lush green grass fields, while tigers hunt for the meat of weaker animals to be sustained. In other words, in the order of creation, humanity would stand as the highest order of God’s creation, bearing the very image of God as divine children in Christ. Humans would be higher than angels, but only now humans remain lower than angels for obvious reasons and God’s ultimate divine purpose and plans. Scripture tells us, “We do see Jesus (as Immanuel), who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because He suffered death, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone” (Heb.2:9). Humanity follow in Jesus’ footsteps to ultimate immortality. (Rom.8:29; 1 John 5:11-12; Tit.3:5-7)
So, here we see the three-fold temptation Satan presented Eve. Scripture tells us Eve faced the 1) lust of the flesh, for Scripture tell us, Satan said, “You will not certainly die,” (Gen.3:4). Satan lied to Eve when God instructed clearly Eve, “‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die’” (Gen.3:3).
2) The lust of the eyes, for the Bible says, “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened” (Gen.3:5a). The lust of the eye is part of our human pride which comes from a world deceived by Satan. (Rom.5:12)
Eve also faced the 3) pride of life, for Scripture tells, Satan said, “You will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Gen.3:5b). Satan was said to be more crafty or cunning than other animals.

The Pride of Life: 1 John 2:16-17
The story of temptation is simple yet subtle. The snake only speaks twice but it manages to disrupt the trust and obedience between the man, woman, and their Creator. When Adam was given God’s mandate to rule over the earth he became the first spiritual leader in human history. His responsibilities included overseeing the Garden and subsequently the whole earth, and provide guidance to his family. Adam was expected to be a responsible caretaker of his resources and relationships but he fell short in both areas.
You noticed that Eve’s actions were independent from Adam. It would have been wise for Eve to consult him instead of taking control. Although God commissioned Adam as her spiritual leader, Eve usurped the role of influencer. Satan was said to be crafty or cunning, which suggests a deceptive ‘wisdom.’ (guile) Adam had all the good he would have needed from God, but he wanted more. He was filled with pride and wanted to be like God – which was Satan’s original sin (Isa.14:14).
Although, they were promised to reflect the very image of God, instead they saw their unstable and weak human physical makeup and allowed their earthly pride to take over. Remember, in Eden our original parents existed in the company and presence of angels. They saw the tremendous power they exhibited in terms of intellectual and spiritual competence and capacity which God gave angelic beings as their inherent gifts. Perhaps, they wanted to be more like them, but for the time being, could not be like them according to God’s divine purpose.
Scriptures tell us humanity, although created in God’s image, were created human that’s lower than the angelic kind. (Psa.8:5) However, the same passage says in God’s time, humanity will “will be crowned with glory and honor” because of humans were created after God’s likeness. (Psa.8:5b). Perhaps, they forgot that angels were created to serve them, not the other way round. For now, humanity is held-in-waiting for God’s eternal crowning promise. (Gen.1:26-27; Psa.8:5).
Is this what Lucifer was vehemently jealous about when told to bow before Adam, but rebelled instead? However, Adam and Eve, in their utter foolish pride, had no vision to see beyond their unhinged pride through their limited humanity, but shortsightedly and egotistically wanted more. In their conceitedly and arrogantly utter lack and inadequacy, they allowed Satan’s pride to take hold of them as it did with him when he rebelled against God. (Isa.14:14). Remember, rebellion against God was Satan’s original sin, not Adam’s, although Adam lacked the insight to see through the devil’s deception.
Having eaten the forbidden fruit, fear seized them immediately. The man and woman hid and kept themselves hidden from the presence of the Lord God. (Gen.3:6-8) What was the reason for their fear? We saw earlier the importance of all lifeforms God has created after their kind. There are creatures and their specific kinds which always carry free moral agency where they have the freedom to choose between right from wrong, like human- “kind,” and the angelic-“kind,” and others of similar “kinds.” So, the reason for our first parent’s fear was because they were to appear before the Judge for the reason for their disobedient action. The Judge of all right and wrong is none other than God Almighty Himself. And God’s presence was only intimidating to those with guilty conscience.

We read, “Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day” (Gen.3:8). This is important for it indicates to us the usual time God came to meet our first parents – “in the cool part of the day.” Prior to their sin, Adam and Eve would have eagerly run out when they heard His voice, and welcomed His gracious presence. But their guilt plagued them and “the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” (Gen.3:9). Adam answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid. And God said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?” (Gen.3:10-11).

The man’s answer was almost a scornful echo of Genesis 2:18 – that is, humanity’s perception of God’s blessing as the root of their problem – “The woman You put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it” (Gen.3:12). When Adam was given God’s mandate to rule the earth, his responsibilities included overseeing the Garden and providing guidance to his family. Adam was expected to be a responsible caretaker of his resources and relationships, but he fell short on both areas.
Adam failed to manage God’s creation properly by eating the forbidden fruit brought by Eve. He also failed to a take stand and be proactive in managing his relationships and his wife, resulting in both of them falling morally. Being the spiritual leader is to take responsibilities, however, sometimes leaders make the same mistake as Adam by avoiding their responsibilities at home, work, church, and in the community.

It’s important to remember that Adam’s failure started at home and it quickly spread to all his responsibilities, destroyed his beautiful surroundings, and ultimately ruined the whole world by introducing death to all humanity. (Rom.6:23; Col.2:9; 2 Cor.4:6, NLT). All these shortcomings can be attributed to Adam’s lack in taking leadership.
Scripture says, “Because you have listened attentively to the voice of your wife and have eaten the forbidden fruit concerning which I have charged you, saying, ‘You do not eat of it,’ cursed [is] the ground on your account; in sorrow you eat of it [for] all days of your life, and it brings forth thorn and bramble for you, and you have eaten the herb of the field; by the sweat of your face you eat bread until your return to the ground, for you have been taken out of it, for dust you [are], and to dust you return.” For failing to take a leadership role as the manager and head of his resources and relationships (household), his disobedience has brought a curse upon humanity.
This prevailing ‘sin-condition’ clothed every human being as a result of Adam’s fall. It introduced a life of ongoing penalties and curses for all mankind. Satan had cunningly disrupted the life of trust and respect between the man, the woman, and their Creator. Whereas once they welcomed God’s gracious presence with delightful joy, now their guilt plagued them because of their disobedience. Instead they hid from God’s presence, but Scripture tells us that no human being can hide himself from God. (Jer.23:24)

Adam and Eve Expelled From Eden For Following Satan by Eating the Forbidden Fruit
God asked the rebellious pair some questions before delivering judgement. In the end, God showed clearly the man’s lack of leadership over his resources and relationships. Adam tried to shift the blame to others (Gen.3:12). Likewise, Eve blamed Satan (Gen.3:13). Whereas the snake was crafty, now he is cursed. (Gen.3:14)
Satan at first took a third of the treasonous angels who knowingly rebelled against God. (Rev.12:4, 9). They now walk amongst humankind to deceive and cause them to rebel and sin and bring death upon rebellious humanity (Gen.6:1-4; Rom.6:23). Before driving Adam and Eve from Eden for their disobedience, God placed Cherubims with a flaming sword to close off the away to the tree of life. (Gen.3:24).
However, in God’s final judgment upon them, He uttered the most important promise about the Messiah who would come to save humanity from sin and give us a second chance at the salvation God has promised Adam, “I put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He bruises your head, and you bruise His heel” (Gen.3:14-15; Gen.1:26-27). Thank God for His unbound mercy in this awe inspiring promise of the Messiah.
In this one holy act, God has shown His incomprehensive compassion and mercy for humanity as a whole, saying through Paul, “But God demonstrates His own Love for us in this: “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom.5:8). Majestically, God had set the stage for the next phase of His plan of sending His Son in Jesus Christ as humanity’s Savior and Mediator. (John 3:16-17; 1 Tim.2:5).
Yes, now we await the next glorious step in God’s plan when He brings about the birth of His Son through the virgin Mary. In God’s time, the prophet Isaiah prophesied, “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son, and will call Him Immanuel” (Isa.7:14).

“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son, and will call Him Immanuel” (Isa.7:14).
The Scripture records the angel Gabriel who was sent to announce to Mary of God’s calling in her life and the birth of Jesus, the Son of God. “God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”
“Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a Son, and you are to call Him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give Him the throne of his father David, and He will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; His kingdom will never end.” “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin? The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.”
“Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month. For no word from God will ever fail.” “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her” (Luk.1:26-38).
What we have just read shows God’s act of mercy upon humanity by restituting the dominion mandate given to Adam at creation over the earth, and subsequently usurped by Satan the devil when Adam ate the forbidden fruit. Jesus Christ is the Second Adam, chosen by God to be the architect to restitute God’s divine plan on earth and in the universe (1 Cor.15:45).
As the apostle Peter admonished the people of his day, “Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, whom heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began” (Act.3:19-21; Gen.1:26-28).

As the Second Adam, Jesus was assigned a unique name which shows He is the God of creation who became human to rescue humanity from sin. That name is Immanuel which when translated means, “God is with us” (Matt.1:23). Jesus is mankind’s Savior and eternal Mediator (John 3:16-17; 1 Tim.2:5).
So, with Jesus coming as humankind’s Savior, the stage has been set, for God’s plan of salvation for all humanity. Jesus lived a perfect sinless human life when He came. (2 Cor.5:21) He overcame Satan in the temptation where the first Adam had failed. (Luk.4:1-13). Then through false charges brought by those in authority, He was crucified upon Calvary where His blood was spilled upon His cross. (Mar.14:55-56; John 19:34). Then after three days God resurrected Him from the dead. (Mar.8:31; 1 Cor.15:3-4). After spending many days with His disciples and friends, Jesus ascended back to His Father in heaven. (Act.1:3).

Jesus, Appointed By God High Priest Forever: Heb.7:23-24
Through an oath by the Father, Jesus was appointed humanity’s High Priest forever. We read this text from the Book of Hebrews, “There were many priests under the old system, for death prevented them from remaining in office. But because Jesus lives forever, His priesthood lasts forever. Therefore, He is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through Him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf” (Heb.7:23-25). The text continues, “God appointed His Son with an oath, and His Son has been made the perfect High Priest forever” (Heb.7:28).
Before He ascended, Jesus reiterated the Father’s promise to send the Holy Spirit in order to empower and help His followers carry out Christ’s great commission, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Act.1:4; Matt.28:18-20).
Yes, with Jesus’ mediation enabling the Holy Spirit to enter humanity again, we read Paul said this, “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?” (1 Cor3:16). Yet again, Paul affirmed this astounding truth of the union of the Holy Spirit and humanity, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.” (1 Cor.6:19). So, the path has been set to move forward as the Spirit making His home in the heart of mankind guiding us onward in Christ.

The Great Commission Text: Matthew 28:18-20
Let us close with a prayer, “Almighty God, Father of all humanity, thank You for Your infinite mercy for humanity, that though death has been our lot because of Adam’s fall in Eden, You prepared the Second Adam in your Son Jesus Christ, to enter our temporary existence and redeem and save us from sin and death. (Rom.6:23).
“Thank You that the two trees of Eden tell us Your story of freedom and bondage for mankind whom You created in your likeness. (Gen.1:26-28) Thank You that in Jesus Your Son, we will find redemption and freedom for all eternity in Your everlasting family and kingdom. Grant Your promised celestial life in Your Son through Your Holy Spirit, and open our eyes to the wondrous gifts You have conferred upon us all so we may serve one another in Your Love, we praise and glorify You in your Son, Amen.”

Prayer is A Solemn One-On-One Spiritual Love Dialogue Between a Person and God the Father.
Welcome to the celestial life of Love in God’s holy, eternal Family. (1 Tim.6:19) Then keep in touch with God’s Word for you by reading and studying your Bible, and visiting this blog and website and look at various subjects that may be relevant for your situation – go to: You can email me with your questions at the address shown below.
Blessing: Until we meet again in my next post, may the blessings of the God who ceaselessly expresses Himself in His dependable Triune Love, be with you always. May the Spirit enliven your spirit and make all things concerning you possible as you live the “Triune Life” of God. Be strong in the Lord’s joy.
In Love, farewell for now!

Kiang, (Your Servant in Christ)
*Triune Life: “Triune Life” speaks of the process of theosis or deification of humanity. What is theosis or deification? “It refers to apotheosis, meaning “making divine.” Theosis or deification is a transformative process whose aim is likeness to or union with God (as taught by the Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholic Church).” ( The belief in the process of ‘deification’ is understood in accordance with Jesus’ teaching, when He said, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods” ’? If He called them ‘gods,’ to whom the Word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside (cannot be broken)” (John 10:34-35; Psa.82:6). (You can read about the Triune Life at:, and other posts)

The Human Resurrection to Immortality Through Jesus.

“The Empty Tomb” – Persuasive Imagery of Jesus’ Own Resurrection to Immortality and the Promised Deification of Humanity in Christ Who Directly Reflects “God’s Image” (Col.1:15; Rom.8:29; Gen.1:27; John 11:25)
Adam was solitary and incomplete until God made Eve. He said, “It is not good for the man to be alone (solitary). I will make a helper suitable for him” (Gen.2:18, italics mine). So, God gave Adam a family to raise composed of a father, mother, and offspring, to reflect Himself in His plural Being. The Bible states that the Church’s or humanity’s destiny is to marry Christ, the second Person of the Triune Godhead, in the new age to come which will be an everlasting divine relationship. (2 Cor.11:2; Eph.5:23-27, 32; Rev.19:7) The Bible is abundantly clear about God’s nature and declaration of Himself in His relational Triune Being from the past, the present, and the future. God has never lived as a solitary Being, but a Tri-Personal Being.
It’s noteworthy to understand that Eve was not created an individual creation from the dust of the earth as was Adam. She was not created apart from Adam as an individualized separate human being, instead, she was taken out from Adam’s side to show she was biologically one and indivisibly part of Adam, like God is in His Tri-Personal Being of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. Eve was not detached (solitary) from Adam, but intrinsically inseparable from Adam’s innermost humanity, as God is in His divine triunity. When Adam saw Eve, he said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man” (Gen.2:21-23) God created humanity to reflect Himself in His unified Tri-Personal Being (Trinity).

Rublev’s Icon of The Trinity (Wiki Commons)
Each one of us was created as an indivisible relational human being incubated and given birth from Adam’s mold as one species, for God created humanity to reflect the eternal likeness in His triunity. We are born for relationships with the divine triune Love as our guiding principle. All this show that humans were created to be indivisibly one to reflect God’s Tri-Personal image of Oneness (Trinity), not solitary separateness.
When God sent Jesus His eternal Son, He became human in order to unify humanity spiritually to the Triune Being of God through Christ once for all time. Hence, when the prophet Isaiah proclaimed Jesus’ coming, He was given the prophetic name, Immanuel. (Isa.7:14) The name means “God with us” (Matt.1:23). Humanity is ‘organically’ one with the Triune God through Christ, just as humanity is one with Adam who was created in God’s image and likeness. (Gen.1:26-27)
Most religions believe God as some solitary being. The true God is not solitary by any means, He is the one Triunity in His Tri-Personal Being. God consist of three Persons in One divine triune Godhead. (Matt.28:18-20) They exist in One “homoousion” meaning consisting in one substance, or “consubstantiality.” The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit exist in One hypostatic union, One substance, like Eve was biologically part of and never physically separate, but of one substance from Adam, for she came out of Adam. Likewise, humanity is made of one spiritual substance with the triune God through Jesus Christ who took our humanity upon Himself and joined it to the divine triune existence forever.
The three-dimensional Triune Life/Love is opposed to living the one-dimensional solitary life of the fallen humanity inherited from Satan through Adam’s rebellion. For additional information about the Triune Life: Also at:
***Bulamanriver: is the metaphor describing the union of man with the Love of the Triune God flowing in humans, making possible the “Triune Life” – the source of the miraculous life in man. To read the different facets of the life of the Bulamanriver, you may obtain a copy of my book, “Bula Man-River,” from;,, and other online book stores. All proceeds will go towards furthering the work of Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.

“Bulamanriver” Book Cover
***Mission Statement: Read the Triune Love Mission, Vision, and Value statements at:

Mission, Vision, Value, Statements

*The “Love-Fruits of the Holy Spirit:” *the fruit of patience, *the fruit of kindness, *the fruit of contentedness, *the fruit of modesty (unboastful), *the fruit of humility, *the fruit of honor, *the fruit of unselfishness, *the fruit of calmness and dignity, *the fruit of forgiveness and compassion, *the fruit of delighting in good and shunning evil, *the fruit of tolerance, *the fruit of responsibility, *the fruit of enduring hope, *the fruit of steadfast perseverance, *the fruit of joy, *the fruit of peace, *the fruit of goodness, *the fruit of faith, *the fruit of gentleness, *the fruit of self-control, *the fruit of zeal and spiritual fervor, *the fruit of friendship, *the fruit of sharing and generosity, *the fruit of prayerfulness, *the fruit of hospitality, etc. (1 Cor.13; also Gal. 5:22-23; Rom. 12:9-21). These attributes may seem ordinary and mundane, but when empowered and propelled in the Spirit’s power, they are transformed into divine elements of transformation.
These Love-fruits speaks volumes and gives us a peek into the different tones of God’s Love. They are not rules to live by as if they are legalistic requirements to follow. They tell us how God in His Tri-Personal Being in the Father, Son, and Spirit, have lived in One unified shared Love-experience from eternity as God, and desires to share His “Triune Life” with believers. They reveal the holy emotions of the Tri-Personal Being of God. These are not human emotions, they reveal the divine passion and desire of how God lives “naturally” in an intuitive and spontaneous fashion amongst Them.
All scriptures are taken from the NIV Version 2011, unless stated otherwise. Note: All information is copy-write material. Any information obtained from this website that is used for publication should be acknowledged by citing the website address, date of acquisition and information pertinent to original authorship. For general guidelines regarding web citations see The Guide for Citing Electronic Information. Thank you.