Life Begins Where Our Concept of God Takes Root – God Who Is Trinitarian, PT. 1 – By Kiang P Lee

Greeting Friends Around the World,

I pray that this post will bring the joy of freedom in your heart as it did mine when I wrote it.

God’s nature, and the motivations for all His actions in His creative works, has always been Trinitarian in every way, shape and form. Although man may not have understood God in His infallible Triune expression, and even if man conceptualize God in forms other than Trinitarian, He nevertheless cannot deviate from who He truly is in His spontaneous loving Triune Being. He inhabits eternity in His triunity without beginning of days nor end, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Matt.28:18-20)

Rublev’s famous icon of Holy Trinity (Wiki Commons)

In my book, “Bula man-river – The Miracle of Triune Living,” I used the metaphor of the “Bula man-river”* to explain how the Triune God comes and fully unify Himself with man and transforms him to experience the very Triune life He inhabits from eternity, in Christ. Here are excerpts from my book –

“One of the most important and overlooked aspects of Jesus’ mission was that He came to reveal to us the true nature of God. Throughout His mission, Jesus made reference to God as His Father (John 17, 1:1-5, 14-8). John attests to this Father/Son relationship, saying, “No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is the closest relationship with the Father, has made him known” (John 1:18). Jesus also mentions another personage in the unified Godhead  – the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-18, 25-26; 15:26-27; 16:7-15; Matt. 28:18-20). Jesus came to reveal the true nature of God by revealing the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, and to show that God is Triune in His nature and not solitary. God is ONE trinity. That is, He is the union of three persons in one Triune Godhead. He is not alone; He is not individualistic; He is not isolated or reclusive.”

“Something significant happened to Abraham when he expressed heartfelt faith in God’s word to him – he changed from a “solitary” father to a father of “many” nations. God changed Abraham’s name to reflect His own triune nature. The same will happen to us when we express the living faith of Abraham. Too many times man presents a picture of God sitting remotely alone on His throne, passing judgment and exercising control over our lives. Jesus corrected that image and showed God to be relational in His Trinitarian nature. This is vital to living the miraculous life. We can only mirror our relationship with a God who is by nature triune and bound in love. In other words, we will commune with a relational God, not a private God. God is not solitary as many think. By declaring the Father’s nature, Jesus made us understand His nature is love.”

“Love is relational, hence God is triune. Humans have this “solitary” perception of God because man, who lives this “solitary” life since his fall in Eden, have painted this “solitary” image on God. Throughout history man has always tried to put God in a box to suit. God tells us, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isa. 55:8-9). How vital that we let the Spirit inspire and energize us in His Trinitarian nature to nullify our natural “solitary” attitude. We can do good things in a “solitary” mode and it will take us only thus far (Jer. 17:9). By connecting to the triune God through His Spirit, His love will lead us in life. He instructs us to choose His triune life, not our solitary life (Deut. 30:19).”

“Why did God reveal Himself as the God who is love by nature? He is not made of love; He is love. Love is God and God is love – there is no distinction between the two. God and love are one and the same substance. Now consider this revelation of God in relation to man’s concept of a solitary God. Is it possible for love (God) to exist in isolation, in solitude – unaccompanied, secluded, alone in self-absorbed existence? If God were one solitary person, with no one to love and share His divine Being, then His affirmation that “God is love” would be meaningless. Love cannot exist in solitary confinement. Only the opposite, fear, will thrive in such a condition. No, love exists and thrives exclusively in relationships. Love and relationship are inseparable. Therefore, love is not compatible with the image of a solitary God, but it’s completely viable with a God who is Trinitarian. “Perfect love (God who is triune) cast out fear” (1 John 4:18a).”

“There is no place for solitary existence (fear) in a life that is committed to relationships (love). The Bible speaks of a proper “fear” that can exist with the love of God. It does not make us afraid of God, but instills a deep reverence of everything He stands for. Then there is the fear that is the antithesis of love, “because fear hath torment, and he that fears is not made perfect in love” (1 John 4:18b). Torment is contrary to love and joy. The Gospels make clear to us that Jesus’ multifaceted earthly mission was to declare openly to the world that God is Father to all mankind. By declaring the Fatherhood of God, He discredits all arguments that God is solitary. A Father begets and nurtures children. Jesus declares Himself as the Son of God. So are we all. He did not declare the Fatherhood of God to please the people or His followers, or to be controversial. He declared it because this is what love does – love tells the truth, love cannot lie. By proclaiming God is His Father, He affirmed God is triune.”

“Jesus’ crucifixion to atone for mankind’s sin is the ultimate story of love from a God who knows no other way to live but in loving relationship (John 3:16-17). His sacrifice was the ultimate act of love for He was both God and man. This is the key to the miraculous life the Bula man-river* is destined to live. It begins with our belief in our concept of God, for life will be to us as Jesus said – “according to your faith, your life will be lived” (Matt. 9:29-30 emphasis added). What is our concept of God? Miracles are birthed in love, and love cannot survive in solitary existence, but in relationship. God’s loving relationship with man is what brought miracles to man by the hands of Jesus. Through His death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus transports man into the triune existence of God. God has existed in His triune relationship from eternity. Because the triune God is of one substance (Greek, homoousios – “of one substance”) the act of one is the act of all three, making it singular and unified. Man has not experienced this kind of integrated life with the triune God since Adam. But God desires to bring man into the loving fellowship of the Father, Son, and Spirit. This is the way they lived from eternity. This is where the miracle life is birthed and takes its stand, and where the Bula man-river* makes his stand.”

File:Love What is It.JPG

“God is Love” (1 John 4:8) (Wiki Commons)

Love Is Key

“The relationship God seeks with man is the same closeness He lives with the three Persons of the Trinity in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Now here is man’s predicament: man is incapable of responding with the same love God has for man because he just doesn’t have the equivalent love to relate with God. It was offered to him in Eden, but he rejected it for a life of fear instead. Man has never known this divine relationship of love the triune God has inhabited from eternity. Love is the key to making it work. Even so, how does a man respond in kind when he doesn’t have the goods to begin with? In simple terms, man has to take on a complete new life, a nature consistent with God’s love. Man, in his present fallen state, is incapable of loving God the way God loves him. His “solitary” depraved nature, which is influenced and motivated by fear, stands as an insurmountable wall. Obviously, God knows this, but it is man who must see what for God is obvious.”

“God provides the way in His Son, who Himself is God and possesses the same divine love. Thus, He is qualified to mediate and represent man in making the union possible. Jesus, by taking upon Him His human body, effectually joined mankind to the divine Godhead in substance and reality. Man can now lovingly relate with God on equal terms in and through Jesus. Jesus took His human body into a glorified state to the presence of God and became the perfect response for man before God. This is the only way, and this is the plan of God for man to enter a relationship with Him. In this regard, Paul speaks of “putting on Jesus” as if being cloaked in His Being thus enabling man to enter and live this triune existence of love with the Trinitarian God (Gal. 3:27).” “That’s the message the Bula man-river* brings to us.

Solitary Living

I said earlier that fear thrives in solitary climate, while love thrives in relationships. In man’s fallen state, fear dominates his heart. Man’s every response is inspired by the fear of his depraved and corrupt heart. This fearful life continues because of his solitary existence. How did man come to find himself living this fearful, solitary life? It began in Eden when man separated himself from God his Father, who alone possesses the love man longs for. God’s presence is the missing relationship in man’s life. The reason for his isolation is his separation from God. Man was made to exist with God in order to be whole, as Adam and Eve were before they ejected themselves out of Eden.”

“There is an important element of man’s connectedness with God that never leaves man. God created man to live in communion with each other to reflect His Trinitarian existence. Without meaningful participation with others as an interactive society, we would deteriorate and cease to effectively exist as human beings. Though fear may dominate man’s existence, God’s sovereign image of communion living undergirds and keeps him connected to his Maker. So this communion life, which bears the stamp of God’s triune image, can be motivated by fear or by love. Only when it is motivated by love will a harmonious relationship exist. When relationships are motivated by fear they become twisted, for relationships are made for love based on the triune existence of God Himself .”

I hope you find this post enlightening and liberating. But that’s not all. In Part 2, I’ll go into and discuss the awesome gift of the Holy Spirit the Father gives to indwell man as man’s everlasting gift.

May God bless you as He moves in your life in the only way He knows how, the Triune Living way, to manifest your destiny in Christ.


* The “Bula man-river” is the metaphor describing the union of man with the Love of the Triune God flowing in humans, making possible the “Triune Life” – the source of the miraculous life in man. To read the many facets of life of the Bula man-river, go to my website where you can order a copy of my Book. Remember, when you purchase my book all the proceeds go towards Jesus Christ’s work of dispensing the Gospel. Thank you for your support.

Remember, when you purchase my book you have hand in Jesus’s Work, for all the proceeds go towards dispensing the Gospel worldwide. Thank you for your support.

All scriptures are taken from the NIV Version 2011, unless stated otherwise

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